"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

05 August 2010

itzzzz a thursday.

to do list.

get out attic sitter from our house. (i am convinced there is a man/woman living in our attic)

clean room and make tidy.

clean car. and make tidy.

stop freaking out for every oral exam online. (aka why im making lists right now, shakily sipping coffee, and finding multiple distractions)

finish reading this book.

to add to bucket list.

#22. learn how to front(ward) flip
#23. publish a poem
#24. submit a drawing to a college literary magazine
#25. visit denver, co
#26. write a short story by the end of this summer (even if its bad)

win 100 points in my book if you can tell me this poet without looking it up.
Galopa la noche en su yegua sombría
desparramando espigas azules sobre el campo